Mobility and transition of pedagogical expertise in Finland
Anne Martin, Matti Pennanen
2015. 45 s. G051. Saatavilla vain verkosta (pdf)
Why do so many people want to be teachers in Finland? Do they stay in their profession or are they considering leaving it? What are the anticipated skill requirements for teacher’s profession in the near future?
Mobility and transition of pedagogical expertise in Finland investigates these questions in the light of the results of a project titled Mobility among Pedagogical Experts. The project was funded by the European Social Fund and carried out in collaboration with the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä; the Finnish National Board of Education; and the Vocational Teacher Education College, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences in 2010–2013. The data were gathered by online questionnaires for teachers and interviews with ex-teachers.
Reports 51
ISBN 978-951-39-6098-8 (pdf)