- Sarja, A. 2019. Comparing educational cultures of Japan and Finland. Skype-presentation in Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan. 16.12.2019.
- Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2014. Practices of flexible basic education in Finland: preventing early school leaving of adolescents. Co-presentation in ECER Conference The Past, Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe, University of Porto, Portugal, 4.9.2014.
- Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2013. Levels of social interaction in various learning environments of flexible basic education. Poster presentation in FERA Conference on Education Kasvatus, hyvinvointi ja tulevaisuuden opetustyö, Finland, Jyväskylä, 21. - 22.11.2013.
- Sarja, A. & Nyman, T. 2013. Professional expertise and identity of foreign language teachers. Co-presentation in the symposium Developing Foreign Language Teachers' Professional Expertise – Finnish and Japanese Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education. Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Jyväskylä, 25.9.2013.
- Sarja, A. & (Janhonen, S.) 2013. Developing learning environments for low-motivated pupils in interprofessional collaboration. Symposium presentation in EARLI conference Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning, Munich, Germany, 27. - 31.8.2013.
- Sarja, A. 2012. Trends in Finnish teacher education. Kutsuesitelmä professoriyhdistyksen kuukausikokouksessa. Naruto University of Education, 19.3.2012.
- Sarja, A. 2012. Finnish education system and practice. Esitelmä opettajaopiskelijoille.
Naruto University of Education, 24.2.2012 - Sarja, A. 2012. Sociocultural perspective: language teacher education and teaching.
Asiantuntijaesitelmä opettajankouluttajien workshopissa. Meikai University, Tokio, 19.2.2012. - Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2011. Tuen monet keinot - aikuinen suunnannäyttäjänä. Esitelmä JOPE-koulutustilaisuudessa, Jyväskylä, 9.11.2011.
- Sarja, A & Janhonen, S. 2011. The evaluation of interprofessional practices in 'Finnish flexible basic education'. Presentation in ECER, Berlin, Germany, 13.9.2011.
- Janhonen, S. & Sarja, A. 2010. Promoting school motivation among Finnish lower secondary pupils.
Presentation in ECER, University of Helsinki, 27.8.2010. - Janhonen, S. & Sarja, A. 2010. Joustavan perusopetuksen toiminnat kouluhyvinvoinnin edistäjänä.
Esitys Kasvatustieteen päivillä, Rovaniemi 26.11.2010. - Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2010. Joustavan perusopetuksen käytänteitä koulussa. Workshop JOPO-opettajille, Helsinki, 16.11.2010.
- Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2009. Learning network between school, polytecnic, and universities in preventing pupil's school exclusion. Presentation in conference 'Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research'. ECER, Universität Vienna, Austria, 28.9.2009.
- Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2008.Engagement mentoring, dialogue and social exclusion in school organization. Presentation in conference 'Insightful Encounters - Regional Development and Practice-Based Learning', Borgå, Finland, 5.3.2008.
- Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2006.Towards teacher's generative power in dialogic teaching discourses.
Presentation in conference 'Organizational Discourse: Identity, Ideology and Idiosyncrasy,
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Holland, 27.7.2006. - Sarja, A. 2006.Mentoring as Dialogical Process. Presentation in conference 'Teachership Lifelong Learning (TeLL)', University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 30-31.3.2006.
- Saarnivaara, M. & Sarja, A. 2005.Mentoring as a pedagogical challenge. Presentation in 4th conference on 'Researching Work & Learning', Sydney, Australia, 12-14.12.2005.
- Jokinen, H. & Sarja, A. 2005. Mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers. Presentation in conference 'Interlearn - Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning', University of Helsinki, Finland, 1-2.12.2005.
- Janhonen, S. & Sarja, A. 2005.Tutoring dialogues in integrating education, work, and research.
Presentation in First ISCAR conference on 'Acting in changing worlds: learning, communication,
and minds in intercultural activities, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 20-24.9.2005. - Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2005. Contextualising emotions in work-based tutoring dialogues.
Presentation in NERA Congress 'A nordic dimension in education and research. Myth or reality?',
Universitetet i Oslo, Norway, 10-12.3.2005. - Sarja, A. & Janhonen, S. 2004. Towards teacher's generative power in dialogical teaching.
Presentation in COST II workshop in Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research,
University of Helsinki, Finland, 21.8.2004. - Sarja, A. & Hämäläinen, S. 2003. Comparing leadership cultures in English and Finnish primary schools.
Presentation in conference 'Interlearn - Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning,
University of Helsinki, Finland, 4-5.12.2003. - Janhonen, S. & Sarja, A. 2003. Conflicts involving shared teachership. Presentation in 10th Biennial conference on 'Improving learning, fostering the well to learn' (Earli), Univeristy of Padova, Italy, 26-30.8.2003.
- Sarja, A. 2003. Organisational dialogue and activating individual change. A poster in the Third International Conference on 'Researching Work and Learning', Tampere, Finland, 25.-27.7.2003.
- Sarja, A. 2002. Understanding tutoring dialogues in higher education. A presentation in the European Congress on Educational Research, Lissabon, Portugal, 11.-14.9.2002.
- Janhonen, S., Sarja, A. & Vanhanen-Nuutinen, L. 2002. Student narratives in a group assessment.
The sharing of professional knowledge by nurse teachers. Presentation in First European Symposium on
'Learning and Professional Development', University of Turku, Finland, 26-28.6.2002. - Sarja, A. 2001. Collaborative dialogues and problem solving in teaching practice environments.
Presentation in conference on 'Communication, problem-solving and learning',
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, England, 25-29.6.2001.