Wisdom and learning team

 In this multidisciplinary team - which is first of its kind in Finland - wisdom is studied in its various manifestations. The scholars in the team come from different scientific disciplines: university pedagogy, education, developmental psychology, philosophy,  and information technology.  The core concept of our research and development activities is wisdom: How it is studied, enhanced, taught and learnt and what kinds of educational phenomena are associated with the concept play an essential role in wise action, teaching and learning.

The development of wisdom and learning is seen as a lifelong, complex phenomenon. Our approach is philosophical-humanistic and history-based, but takes strongly into account also empirical studies. We are collaborating with research team Ecosocial sustainability and education (ESSE) in the FIER and JYU.wisdom resource wisdom team in our university. We are part of the project Wisdom in practice, which is funded by the Research Council of Finland (2022-2026).

Funding: Research Council of Finland; OKM (Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture), University of Jyväskylä and the respective Foundations of Gyllenberg, Kordelin, and Metsämiesten Säätiö

Team members

PhD students (active)

  • Mirja Hämäläinen (PhD student in education)
  • Laura Mononen (PhD student in cognition science)
  • Heikki Jyväsjärvi (PhD student in education)

International collaboration 

Selected publications 

2000 –

Geeraerts, K., Tynjälä, P., & Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2018). Inter-generational learning of teachers: what and how do teachers learn from older and younger colleagues? European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4), 479–495.

Hämäläinen M. (2018). Suspending judgement – ethical English dialogue skills for working life. Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 9(3). Retrieved from https://www.kieliverkosto.fi/fi/journals/kieli-koulutus-ja-yhteiskunta-toukokuu-2018/suspending-judgement-ethical-english-dialogue-skills-for-working-life

Hämäläinen, M., & Kallio, E. (2019). Learning dialogue in higher education english course. In P. Penwell (Ed.), The world needs dialogue! One: Gathering the field [P. Garrett, Foreword]. Glasgow, England: Dialogue.

Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2018). Education, work and life. In C. Edwards-Groves, P. Grootenboer, & J. Wilkinson (Eds.), Education in an era of schooling: Critical perspectives of educational practice and action research: A festschrift for Stephen Kemmis (pp. 79–90). Singapore, the Republic of Singapore: Springer. 

Heikkinen, H. & Kukkonen, H. 2019. Ammattikorkeakoulu toisin ajateltuna. Osaaminen, sivistys ja tiedon intressit. Aikuiskasvatus 39 (4), 264-275.

Heikkinen, H. L. T., & Huttunen, R. (2017). “Mitä järkeä?” Kasvatuksen tietoperusta ja rationaalisuus [“What’s the sense?” The knowledge base and rationality of education]. In A. Toom, M. Rautiainen, & J. Tähtinen (Eds.), Toiveet ja todellisuus: Kasvatus osallisuutta ja oppimista rakentamassa (pp. 31–58). Turku, Finland: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura.

Heikkinen, H. L. T., Huttunen, R., & Pesonen, J. (2012). Liikuntakasvatuksen eetos [The ethos of physical education]. Liikunta & Tiede, 49(6), 18–22.

Heikkinen, H. L. T., Kiilakoski, T., Huttunen, R., Kaukko, M., & Kemmis, S. (2018). Koulutustutkimuksen arkkitehtuurit [Architectures of educational research]. Kasvatus, 49(5), 368–383.

Kallio, E. (2001). Reflections on the modern mass university and the question of the autonomy of thinking. In J. Välimaa (Ed.), Finnish higher education in transition: Perspectives on massification and globalisation (pp. 73–90). Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä, Institute for Educational Research.

Kallio, E. (2011). Integrative thinking is the key: An evaluation of current research into the development of adult thinking. Theory & Psychology, 21(6), 785–801.

Kallio, E. (2014). Kuinka moneus muuttuu ykseydeksi: integroinnin teema aikuisen ajattelussa [How plurality turns into unity: The theme of integration in psychological models for adult development]. In A. Heikkinen & E. Kallio (Eds.), Aikuisten kasvu ja aktivointi (pp. 19–31). Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press.

Kallio, E. (2015). From causal thinking to wisdom and spirituality: Some perspectives on a growing research field in adult (cognitive) development. Approaching Religion, 5(2), 27–41. doi:10.30664/ar67572

Kallio, E. (2016). Aikuisuuden ajattelun kehityksen laaja kenttä: Perusteita ja avoimia kysymyksiä [The broad field of adult cognitive development: Premises and open questions]. In E. Kallio (Ed.), Ajattelun kehitys aikuisuudessa: Kohti moninäkökulmaisuutta (pp. 15–55). Helsinki, Finland: The Finnish Educational Research Association.

Kallio, E. (Ed.). (2016). Ajattelun kehitys aikuisuudessa: Kohti moninäkökulmaisuutta [The development of thinking in adulthood: Towards multiperspective thinking]. Helsinki, Finland: The Finnish Educational Research Association.

Kallio, E. (2018). Ahneus ja viisaus [Greed and wisdom]. Tietoasiantuntija, 4, 13

Kallio, E. (2018). Sisäisen työskentelyn armollisuus [The mercifulness of mental self-development]. Tietoasiantuntija, 5, 35.

Kallio, E. K. (2020) From Multiperspective to Contextual Integrative Thinking in Adulthood
Considerations on Theorisation of Adult Thinking and Its Place as a Component of Wisdom. In E. K. Kallio (Ed). Development of Adult Thinking. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognitive Development and Adult Learning. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187464

Kallio, E., & Isomäki, H. K. (2019). Voiko viisautta opettaa? Viisaus eettisesti kestävän teknologian suunnittelussa [Can wisdom be taught? Wisdom in the design of ethically sustainable technology]. Retrieved from https://www.tyopeda.fi/videot/tyopeda-webinaari-12-03-2019

Kallio, E., & Liitos, H.-M. (2009). Tarvitaanko postformaalin ajattelun käsitettä? [Is the concept of postformal thinking necessary?]. Psykologia, 44(2), 108–121.

Keränen-Pantsu, R., & Heikkinen, H. (2019). Pedagogical purposes of narratives in worldview education: Teachers’ conceptions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(5), 58–72.

Mahon, K., Heikkinen, H. L. T., & Huttunen, R. (2018). Critical educational praxis in university ecosystems: Enablers and constraints. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 27(3), 463–480. doi:10.1080/14681366.2018.1522663

Pennanen, M., Heikkinen, H.L.T & Tynjälä, P. (2020) Virtues of Mentors and Mentees in the Finnish Model of Teachers’ Peer-group Mentoring, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64:3, 355-371, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1554601

Salo, P., & Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2018). Slow science: Research and teaching for sustainable praxis. Confero, 6(1), 87–111. doi:10.3384/confero.2001-4562.181130

Seppälä, H., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Kallio, E. K. (2020). Integrating Epistemic Knowledge and Logical Reasoning Skills in Adult Cognitive Development. In E. K. Kallio (Ed). Development of Adult Thinking. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognitive Development and Adult Learning. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187464

Spännäri, J., & Kallio, E. K. (2020). Viisaus- käyttäjän opas. Jyväskylä: Tuuma https://www.tuumakustannus.fi/Jenni-Sp%C3%A4nn%C3%A4ri/Viisaus-K%C3%A4ytt%C3%A4j%C3%A4n-opas.html

Ståhle, P., Mononen, L., Tynjälä, P., & Kallio, E. K. (2020). Systems Thinking and Adult Cognitive Development. In E. K. Kallio (Ed). Development of Adult Thinking. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognitive Development and Adult Learning. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187464

Tuominen, M., Kallio, E. K. (2020) Logical Contradiction, Contrary Opposites, and Epistemological Relativism. Critical Philosophical Reflections on the Psychological Models of Adult Cognitive Development. In E. K. Kallio (Ed). Development of Adult Thinking. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognitive Development and Adult Learning. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187464

Tynjälä, P., Kallio, E. K., Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2020). Professional Expertise, Integrative Thinking, Wisdom, and Phronēsis. In E. K. Kallio (Ed). Development of Adult Thinking. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognitive Development and Adult Learning. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187464

Tynjälä, P., Kallio, E. & Heikkinen, H. (2021). Integrating Work and Learning in Higher Education and VET: A theoretical point of view. SAGE handbook for learning and work.


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Kallio, E. (1993). Postformaali ajattelu: Aikuisuuden uusi kehitysvaihe? [Postformal thinking: A new developmental stage in adulthood?]. Psykologia, 28(2), 108–112, 115.

Perttula, J., & Kallio, E. (1996). Postformaali ajattelu ja henkinen tajunnallisina toimintatapoina [Postformal thinking and mental awareness as cognitive practices]. Psykologia, 31(3), 164173.