What is ECF4CLIM?
The acronym ECF4CLIM comes from the full project name A EUROPEAN COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK FOR A LOW CARBON ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH EDUCATION. The ECF4CLIM project aims to develop education in order to advance sustainable way of life.
The international web site of the project: https://www.ecf4clim.net/
The funding of the project is part of the European Green Deal, which forms a European roadmap to towards a greener future. In collaboration with schools, students and teachers, the ECF4CLIM project aims to construct a description of the sustainability competencies as part of a European Competence Framework.
In addition to University of Jyväskylä, the ECF4CLIM includes partners from Spain, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Hungary. The project members in FIER are associated with the JYU.Wisdom- School of Resource Wisdom in University of Jyväskylä.
What do sustainability competences mean?
- What kind of sustainability competences should education foster?
- What kind of knowledge, skills and attitudes do individuals and communities need to move towards a more sustainable way of life?
- We aim to design, test and validate a description of sustainability competences as part of the European Competence Framework, ECF.
The project builds sustainable practices
- to empower the educational community to take action against climate change and towards sustainable development and
- to promote a change towards a more ecologically, socially and economically sustainable future
Project aim and approach
The project adopts a multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and participatory approach, which makes use of crowdsourcing and co-designing best practices. Applying a novel hybrid participatory approach, rooted in participatory action research and citizen science, ECF4CLIM co-designs the ECF in selected schools and universities, by:
- elaborating an initial ECF, supported by crowdsourcing of ideas and analysis of existing ECFs.
We use GreenComp (JRC2022) as a springboard in this work.
- EN-GreenComp.pttx
- ES-GreenComp.pttx
- PT-GreenComp.pttx
- RO-GreenComp.pttx - establishing the baseline of individual and collective competences, as well as environmental performance indicators;
- implementing practical, replicable and context-adapted technical, behavioural, and organisational interventions that foster the acquisition of competences;
- evaluating the ability of the interventions to strengthen sustainability competences and environmental performance; and
- validating the ECF.
Our first results - ECF4CLIM roadmap for sustainability
ECF4CLIM roadmap full version (our report)
ECF4CLIM short version
PowerPoint slides
ECF4CLIM-roadmap slides for you to use (.pptx)
Videos about ECF4CLIM roadmap
YouTube channels ECF4CLIM and ECF4CLIM Finland
- English (6 min, subtitles in EN, ES, PT, FI): https://youtu.be/tft6lyNrdkk
- Finnish (6 min): https://youtu.be/1oEdjdK2waM
- Spanish (5 min): https://youtu.be/mQw84KjwakQ
- Portuguese (6 min, talk in English, slides and subtitles in Portuguese): https://youtu.be/9n_mc2W0P_k
- Romanian (6 min): https://youtu.be/11YhZ7xvZME
- English (18 min, subtitles in EN, ES, PT, FI): https://youtu.be/UNPYIx90EAw
- Finnish (18 min): https://youtu.be/LkR9TDbdPLM
- ECF4CLIM Roadmap Dissemination event (subtitles in EN, ES, PT, FI): https://youtu.be/T5ogzXSZ9tQ
Research ethics
EN-Research Notification and Privacy Notice
ES-Notificación de la investigación & Descripción del tratamiento de datos personales
PT-Notificação de investigação e descrição do tratamento de dados pessoais
RO-Notificare de cercetare și sescrierea prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal