Exiting Academics in Networked Knowledge Societies - EANKS
EANKS is a consortium project led by Professor Jussi Välimaa from the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER). The Consortium partner is the School of Management, University of Tampere, the research group is led by professor Jari Stenvall. The funding period covers 48 months from 1 September, 2016 till 31 August, 2020.
The project investigates how researchers and teachers who have left universities have networked in the Finnish society and economic life. In previous research this group has received little interest despite the fact that universities and academics are central actors in knowledge-based economies. EANKS is a multifaceted research project as it is based on a large quantitative data set (Statistics Finland data on employers and employees), a questionnaire survey as well as on data collected by qualitative research methods (interviews, narratives and analysis of documents). Theoretically, EANKS research is based on an analysis of networked knowledge society, where societal change is explained as an aggregate result of new knowledge production, networking, and information and communication technologies.
Besides Professor Välimaa, other FIER-based staff in the project include Dr. Taru Siekkinen, Dr. Terhi Nokkala, Dr. Kristian Koerselman and project researcher Jouni Helin.
The research group of the School of Management, Tampere university includes Professor Jari Stenvall, Dr. Elias Pekkola, Professor Jussi Kivistö, Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas and Professor (at University of turku) Tomi Kallio.