Work, learning and education


Developing Continuing Education in the Field of Forestry
Päivi Tynjälä, Anne Virtanen ja Sanna Honkimäki

The purpose of the project is to develop and examine in-service training for forestry professionals on the basis of the Integrative Pedagogy model. The project is coordinated by the Department of Forest Sciences of the University of Helsinki, and the training will be implemented by Centre for Continuing Education of the University of Helsinki. The project is funded by Metsämiesten säätiö Foundation. Project's homepages:

Migrant integration and learning processes
Katarzyna Kärkkäinen

In my doctoral research project I occupy with adult migrant students’ integration and learning process. The main focus of this research is exploration of connections between learning and integration as well as better understanding of the role of vocational education in the process of adult migrants’ integration.

Returns to higher education under labour market insecurity
Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila

In my dissertation I study how higher education graduates have found employment and especially the returns that are achieved with the degree. Returns refer to what is accomplished with the degree (employment vs. unemployment, vocational and socioeconomic status, equivalence between work and education, salary). The study compares how these returns are different between different age groups, between different fields, and between other background factors that graduates might have. The used theory is based on the theory on human capital, gender segregation, and the latest changes in work life.

The future of Vocational education – learning from the Nordic countries (Nord-VET)
Maarit Virolainen and Marja-Leena Stenström

The purpose of the project is to generate significant new knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of the diverging models of vocational education and training (VET) in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). The project investigates how VET in Nordic countries has managed addressing the key dilemma of providing access to the labour market and to higher education (HE). Furthermore, the project seeks to better understand how handling this dilemma has an impact on the esteem of VET and inclusion of youth in society. The project´s approach is multidisciplinary, and in addition to comparing the historical trajectories of national systems of VET, case studies of selected occupations have been completed.

The comparison of Nordic VET models  enhances opportunities for evidence-based educational planning in the future. Project´s findings have been published not only on the project´s web-pages, but also as book chapters and peer-reviewed Journal articles and conference papers (see, The project is funded by NordForsk and coordinated by Professor Christian Helms Jørgensen, University of Roskilde, Denmark.