Kallio Eeva K., associate adjunct professor, PsyD

Senior researcher
Kallio Eeva K., associate adjunct professor, PsyD
RUU A338

wisdom_in_practice.pngORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3950-6554 
Converis: https://converis.jyu.fi/converis/portal/Person/4595130

Her main interests are  study of wisdom as theoretical, philosophical-psychological phenomena and adult cognitive development.  She acts as an adjunct professor (title of docent) both in University of Jyväskylä and University of Tampere, Finland. Her edited book “Development of adult thinking – towards multiple perspectives” (in Finnish, 2016) has got 6 reprints plus electronic version (7th edition 2023). Oxford University Press Online Bibliographies (Psychology/Adulthood/Cognitive development) mentions her article as important contribution in the field. She has taken part widely in public discussion; and she is co-founder and honorary president of the ESRAD. The latest books are (as editor) Development of adult thinking: Interdisciplinary perspectives on cognitive development and adult learning (Routledge) 2020 and book with Jenni Spännäri Viisaus-käyttäjän opas (Wisdom - user's guide) (Tuuma). 

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