Häkkinen Päivi, Vice-director, Professor

Vice-director of the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Professor in Educational Technology
Häkkinen Päivi, Vice-director, Professor
RUU D335

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6616-9114
Converis: https://converis.jyu.fi/converis/portal/Person/4571996
Skype: paivi.m.h.hakkinen

Vice-director of the Institute, Research development
Professor (Educational Technology)
Learning, teaching and learning environments
 - a leader of the research area
Learning and Technology Team
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Team
Centre for Research on Learning and Teaching 
Human Technology -lehden toimituskunnan jäsen (2015-2019), päätoimittaja (2012-2014)

Päivi Häkkinen is working as a professor and vice-director at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER). Her work focuses on the use of technologies for learning, especially on research on computer-supported collaborative learning, problem solving and assessment. Her recent research interests also cover the possibilities of learning analytics in supporting student-centred learning in technology-enhanced environments as well as the added value of virtual and augmented reality from the viewpoint of learning.

Research areas

  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
  • Assessment of collaborative problem solving skills
  • Learner-centred learning environments
  • Learning analytics
  • Virtual reality for learning

Research projects