Nokkala Terhi, research professor

PhD, Adjunct Professor (Higher education administration)
Nokkala Terhi, research professor
RUU A337


Educational systems and society research area
Higher education studies (HIEST) research team

Areas of expertise

Dr Terhi Nokkala is a Research Professor at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER), University of Jyväskylä and an Adjunct Professor of Higher Education Administration at the Faculty of Management, University of Tampere. Her research focuses on the interplay between higher education policy, technological developments, organizational parameters and networks, and individual experiences in higher education, with a specific interest in comparative methodology and discourse analysis. Recently she has also addressed questions of sustainability in education.

Terhi Nokkala has editorial duties in journals Higher Education  and Internationalisation of Higher education – Policy and Practice. Her previous editorial duties include the Springer Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, the European Journal of Higher Education and the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education. Nokkala completed her PhD at the University of Tampere in 2007. She has worked as a Postdoc at the University of Surrey, and as a visiting researcher at the University of Twente, University of Bristol and the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna.


Research projects