
Keynotes and other invited lectures

20.11.2017 Invited Lecture: Millainen on luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden koulumenestys ja tausta? Ruusupuisto tutkii ja keskustelee. Jyväskylän yliopisto.[School achievement and demograpics of class teacher students.]

 8.2.2017  Invited lecture: Arviointikulttuurin muutos ja sähköisten arviointien kehitysnäkymiä. Oppa-hankkeen seminaari Jyväskylä, Lyseon lukio. [Change in assessment culture and insight to development of digital assessment.]

12.11.2014. Invited lecture: Yhteistoiminnallinen ongelmanratkaisutaito – Arviointi ja ulottuvuudet. (Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving). University of Oulu, Faculty of Education.

20.02.2013    Keynote: Finnish Way in educational Transformation. Jordanas Sobre la Exelencia TIC en las Competencias de Educacion –Conference in Toldeo, Spain in 20th–22nd of February 2013.

04.12. 2012   Invited Lecture: Assessment & teaching of 21st century Skills. In an event: Transforming Education to Regain Economic Prosperity. Brussels, Microsoft Briefing Centre. 4th of December 2012.

 06.11. 2012   A keynote: Esther Care & Arto K. Ahonen : Assessment & Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Mobile learning. The 9th Intel Education Summit. Stockholm, Sweden. 5–6th of November, 2012.

 04.06. 2012     A keynote: ATC21S A case of Finland. 21st skills conference in Stcockholm 4.6. 2012.

 31.10. 2011     A keynote: Finnish School System Acquiring the 21s Century Skills. A Conference: 21st Century Skills @ School in Uthercht, Netherlands 31st of October 2011.

 13.10.2011      Invited Lecture: Psychosocial Well-being of Schoolchildren in the Barents Region. Experiences and comparisons from four regions and school cultures. A lecture in the Barents lecture series in the University of Lapland.

 28.04. 2010     A keynote lecture: School, Children and Well-being. Invited Lecture in Kemijärvi. An invited seminar for the teachers.

 22.04. 2010     Keynote lecture: School, Children and Well-being in the North. A seminar in the Inari community council in Ivalo.

 19.04. 2010     Invited Lecture in Inari. School, Children and Well-being. Public lecture hosted by Inari comprehensive school Parents’ association.

 7.5. 2009         Keynote lecture: Northern Boys at School. Researchers' Meeting: Life in Place seminar 6th-8th May 2009  Hotelli     Vuontispirtti in Raattama, Kittilä.


Presentations/Abstracts in Scientific Conferences

Ahonen, A.K. (2017). Muuttuvatko koulut ja mihin suuntaan? Vuosina 2006 ja 2015 PISA-tutkimukseen osallistuneiden suomalaisten koulujen olosuhteet ja yhteydet osaamiseen.[Do Schools Develop. Follow up study of schools paticipated in PISA 2006 and  2015]. Paper presented in the Finnish Conference for Educational Research: Kasvatustieteen päivät in Rovaniemi 30.–31.11.2017.

Ahonen, A.K. & Harding, S.M. (2017) Assessing online collaborative problem solving among school children in Finland: A case study utilizing ATC21STM  in national context. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of  EERA, European Educational Research Association ECER Conference in Copenhagen 22nd–25th of August 2017.

Ahonen, A.K., & Nissinen, K. (2016). Sinnikkyyden yhteys osaamisen PISA 2012 ongelmanratkaisussa. Paper presented in the Finnish Conference for Educational Research: Kasvatustieteen päivät in Turku 17.-18.11.2016.

Ahonen, A.K., & Nissinen, K. (2016). The association of perseverance with PISA problem solving. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of  EERA, European Educational Research Association. ECER Conference in Dublin 23. - 26.8. 2016.

Pöysä-Tarhonen,J., Ahonen, A.K. & Häkkinen, P. (2015). Technology enhanced assessment of teacher education students' collaborative problem-solving skills combining subjective and objective measures. Paper presented in  Annual conference of AARE, Australian Association for Research in Education. AARE Conference in Fremantle,   29.11.–3.12.2015.

Näykki, P., Ahonen, A.K, Sointu, E., Isohätälä, J., & Valtonen, T. (2015). First year teacher education students’ motivational orientation and strategic learning skills. Symposium paper presentation in EARLI conference, Limassol, Cuprys.

Ahonen A.K. (2014) Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving. Paper presented in the Finnish Conference for Educational Research: Kasvatustieteen päivät in Oulu 20.-21.11.2015.

Ahonen, A.K. & Kinnunen, P.  (2014). How Do Students Value the Importance of 21st Century Skills? Paper presented in the Annual Conference of  EERA, European Educational Research Association. ECER Conference in Porto 2. - 5.9. 2014.

Ahonen, A.K. (2013). 21st Century Skills in Finnish School System. Paper presented in the International Conference on Educational Policy. ICEP28th –30th October 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malesia.

Ahonen, A.K. & Care, E. (2013). Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving. Paper presenter in the Annual Conference of  EERA, European Educational Research Association. ECER Conference in Istanbul 10. - 14. 9. 2013.

Ahonen, A.K. & Kankaanranta, M. (2012) Introducing Assessment tools for 21st century skills in Finland. Paper presented in the 8th conference for International test Comission in Amsterdam 2.–5.7. 2012.

Norrena, J., Kankaanranta. M. & Ahonen A.K. (2012) Innovative Teaching in Finland. Paper presented in Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association. AERA Conference in Vancouver 13.–17.4.2012.

Ahonen, A.K. (2011). Finnish Students Anticipating Their Future skills. Paper presented in Annual conference of Australian Association for Research in Education. AARE  Conference Researching Across Boundaries in Hobart, Tasmania 27.11.–1.12.2012.

Ahonen, A.K. (2011) 2000-luvun taitojen arviointi. (Assessment of 21st Century Skills) Kasvatustieteen päivät, Joensuu 24.–25.11.2011. Joensuun yliopisto.

Ahonen, A.K. (2010) Alueellinen vertailu, metodit ja luotettavuus kansainvälisessä tutkimuksessa. ( Comparisons, Methods and Reliability in International Research) Kasvatustieteen päivät Rovaniemellä 25.–26.11. 2010. Lapin yliopisto.

 Ahonen, A.K. (2010) Strengthening Cultural Identity through Environmental and Community Art in the Schools of Small Northern Villages. InSea Conference for Education through Art in Rovaniemi

Ahonen, A. (2009) Pohjoisesta etelään  lännestä itään. Barentsin alueen koululaisten psykososiaalisen hyvinvoinnin vertailua. (Comparisons on Schoolchildrens' psychosocial well-being)Abstraktit. Kasvatus toisin silmin. Kasvatustieteen päivät 2009 Tampereella 26. –27.11. Tampere:Tampereen yliopiston kasvatustieteiden laitos. Verkkojulkaisu.

Ahonen, A. (2009) Cultural Diversities in the Psychosocial well-being of Schoolchildren in the Barents Region. ABSTRACTS. Navigating in Educational Contexts: Identities and Cultures in Dialogue. 14th Biennial Conferenceof I international study Association on Teachers and Teaching. 1–4 July 2009. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland Publications in Education 20.

Ahonen, A. (2008) Koululaisten psykososiaalinen hyvinvointi Barentsin alueella. (Psychosocial well-being of Schoolchildren in the Barents Region) Abstraktit. Koulutuspolitiikan käytännöt kansallisessa ja ylikansallisessa kehyksessä. Kasvatustieteen päivät Turku 27.–28.11.2008. Turku: suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura ry.

Ahonen, A. (2008) School and Psychosocial Well-being. Comparing the Psychosocial Well-being of School children from Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway and North-west Russia. ISATT 2008 Symposium. Final Programme and Abstracts 2-3 June 2008 Rovaniemi: University of Lapland.

Ahonen, A., & Rajala, R. (2008). Psycho-Social Well-Being among School children in the Northern Areas of Finland, Sweden, Norway and North-West Russia. Paper presented at the AARE 2007 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Fremantle, Australia.

Ahonen, A. (2007) Psychosocial Well-being of Schoolchildren in the Barents region. International HBSC symposium: Body, Mind and Physical Activity. Jyväskylä 6.6. 2007

Ahonen, A., Sohlman E. (2007) Northern school communities and children’s wellbeing. Knowledge and Power in the Arctic. 16. -17. 4. 2007.Rovaniemi: University of Lapland.  

Ahonen, A. (2006) Vertailu, metodit ja luotettavuus kansainvälisessä kyselytutkimuksessa.  (Comparisons, methods and reliability in International surveys) Abstraktit. Kasvatustieteen tila ja tutkimuskäytännöt. Paradigmat katosivat, mitä jäljellä? Kasvatustieteen päivät 23.-24.11. 2006 Oulu. Oulu: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura ry. Multiprint.

Ahonen, A. (2006) Comparing Psychosocial well-being of the schoolchildren in Barents Region. Abstract Book. ArctiChildren Conference. Psychosocial Well-being of Schoolchildren in the Barents Region. 28-29th of September 2006 Rovaniemi. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Ahonen, A. (2006) The liking for school in Northern Parts of Norway, Finland and Sweden and North-Western Russia. Reconsidering Pheripheries and Centers. Viepä Symposium for Russian and East European Studies. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. 30th -31st of March 2006. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Ahonen, A. (2005) Kuinka määritellä oppilaiden psykososiaalista hyvinvointia? (How to describe the psychosocial well-being of Schoolchildren?) Abstraktit. Koulutuksen kulttuurit ja hyvinvoinnin politiikat. Kasvatustieteen päivät Jyväskylässä17. -18.11. 2005. Jyväskylä:  Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura ry. Kopijyvä.

Ahonen, A. (2005) Psychosocial well-being of schoolchildren in Barent’s Region 2004. Abstract book. Examining rapid environmental, social and cultural changes in the North. Third annual seminar of the Arctic Graduate School, ARKTIS. 16-17th of May 2005. Seitaranta, Rovaniemi. Rovaniemi: Arctic Centre; University of Lapland. Yliopistopaino.