Siekkinen Taru, postdoctoral researcher

Siekkinen Taru, postdoctoral researcher
RUU A325.1


Taru Siekkinen has been working in FIER since 2012. Siekkinen is a M.Sc (sociology) and had a doctoral degree in 2019 (adult education). She belongs to the research team "Higher Education Studies". Her research interests are related to academic profession, academic careers, academic recruitment and work,  HRM in universities, academic management and managers, gender, collaboration between universities and other sectors, and university policy. 

Currently she is working in a project "Crises, higher education leadership and -work: how HE organisations can do better in crisis? (funding: the Finnish Work Environment Fund) and a evaluation of the Finnish doctoral pilot (funding: Ministry of Education and Culture). 

Siekkinen is a chair of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers in Finland (CHERIF). She is also a board member in the Consortium of Higher Education Reserachers in Europe (CHER), as well as in the ESA - European Sociological Association's research network's Sociology of Professions RN19 board. In addition, she is an external member in the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (JYU).