
Hoffman, D., Soltani, S., & Lazarevska, M. (2024). An 'Editorial from the field' : Conceptually navigating language, policy, practice — and the potential for change. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 6(1), 1-14. Open Access

Hoffman, D. M., & Khan, J. (2020). Globalization in Higher Education (Finland). In J. Kauko, & W. J. Jacob (Eds.), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Academic. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies.

Hoffman, D., Aarnikoivu, M., Angervall, P., Player Koro, C., & Mahon, K. (2020). The historical potential of flux in this unique moment : Conceptually highlighting an opportunity for praxis-driven change. JPHE : Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 2(1), 1-10. Open Access

Hoffman, D., Khan, J., Habti, D., Ndomo, Q., & Lima-Toivanen, M. (2020). Two Decades of Internationalization and Higher Education in Finland : 20 Years of Experience, Or 1 year – Repeated 20 Times?. In J. Kallunki, T. Saarinen, & T. Siekkinen (Eds.), Yhdistys, tutkimus, tutkijuus : Korkeakoulututkimuksen seura 20 vuotta (pp. 206-221). Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos. Open Access

Mahon, K., Angervall, P., Khalifeh Soltani, S., Hoffman, D., Aarnikoivu, M., Langelotz, L., & Player Koro, C. (2020). Maybe-ing and must be-ing in higher education. JPHE, 2(2), 1-10. Open Access

Aarnikoivu, M., Korhonen, S., Habti, D., & Hoffman, D. (2019). Explaining the Difference between Policy-Based Evidence and Evidence-Based Policy : A Nexus Analysis Approach to Mobilities and Migration. Journal of Finnish Studies, 22(1-2), 213-240. Open Access

Hoffman, D., & Piepponen, S. (2017). Dilemmas that explain persistent exclusion in Finnish higher education. In K. Käyhkö, I. Bontenbal, & M. Bogdanoff (Eds.), "Open the doors!" : Migrants in Higher Education : Fostering Cooperation at Universities Seminar 13.-14.12.2016 in Jyväskylä (pp. 69-73). University of Jyväskylä. Open Access

Brennan, J., Papatsiba, V., Sousa, S. B., & Hoffman, D. (2016). Diversity of Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies : A Comparative Examination. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 115-139). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Hoffman, D., & Aarnikoivu, M. The Dark Side of Mobility – One Year of Experience, Repeated 20 Times. Tähdistö, (2-3), 20-21. Open Access

Hoffman, D., & Horta, H. (2016). The CINHEKS Research Design : Taking Stock and Moving Forward. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 41-74). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Hoffman, D., & Välimaa, J. (Eds.). (2016). Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies. Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Hoffman, D., Nokkala, T., & Välimaa, J. (2016). ‘World Class Local Heroes’ : Emerging Competitive Horizons and Transnational Academic Capitalism in Finnish Higher Education – 2010–2012. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 247-282). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Välimaa, J., & Hoffman, D. (2016). Introduction to the Book and the Comparative Study. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 3-11). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Välimaa, J., Hoffman, D., Brennan, J., Rhoades, G., & Teichler, U. (2016). Main Findings and Discussion. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 339-361). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Välimaa, J., Papatsiba, V., & Hoffman, D. (2016). Higher Education in Networked Knowledge Societies. In D. Hoffman, & J. Välimaa (Eds.), Re-Becoming Universities? : Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies (pp. 13-39). Springer. Changing Academy : The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 15.

Hoffman, D., Pöyhönen, S., Cools, C., Stikhin, A., Habti, D., Siekkinen, T., & Sama, T. (2015). Aspiration, Achievement and Abandonment in ‘The World’s Best Country’: Merit and Equity or Smoke and Mirrors?. COOLABAH, 2015(17), 1-76. Open Access

Hoffman, D., Blasi, B., Ćulum, B., Dragšić, Ž., Ewen, A., Horta, H., Nokkala, T., & Rios-Aguilar, C. (2014). The methodological illumination of a blind spot: information and communication technology and international research team dynamics in a higher education research program. Higher Education, 67(4), 473-495.

Hoffman, D., Sama, T. B., El-Massri, A., Raunio, M., & Korhonen, M. (2013). The Best Science, The Best Science in Finnish – and English – or The Best Finnish Scientists?. Recherches en Education (Research in Education), 2013(16), 48-62. Open Access

Pöyhönen, S., Rynkänen, T., Tarnanen, M., & Hoffman, D. (2013). Venäjänkieliset IT-alan asiantuntijat työyhteisöissä : monikieliset käytänteet, identiteetit ja osallisuuden kokemukset integroitumisessa. In T. Keisanen, E. Kärkkäinen, M. Rauniomaa, P. Siitonen, & M. Siromaa (Eds.), Osallistumisen multimodaaliset diskurssit = Multimodal discourses of participation (pp. 77-102). Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys ry. Suomen Soveltavan Kielitieteen Yhdistyksen AFinLAn julkaisuja, 71. Open Access

Ahola, S., & Hoffman, D. (Eds.). (2012). Higher education research in Finland: emerging structures and contemporary issues. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Hoffman, D., Raunio, M., & Korhonen, M. (2011). Finnish Universities: Car dealerships, churches or cultural institutions?. In P. Teixeira, & D. Dill (Eds.), Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education (pp. 273-296). Sense Publishers. Issues in Higher Education, Volume 2.

Hoffman, D., Sama, T. B., Massri, A. E., Korhonen, M., & Raunio, M. (2011). Parasta tiedettä, parasta tiedettä suomeksi - ja englanniksi - vai parhaat suomalaiset tieteentekijät?. In J. Lasonen, & J. Ursin (Eds.), Koulutus yhteiskunnan muutoksissa: jatkuvuuksia ja katkoksia (pp. 187-229). Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura ry. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia, 53.

Hoffman, D., Välimaa, J., Saarinen, T., Söderqvist, M., Raunio, M., & Korhonen, M. (2011). The International SoleTM of Finnish Higher Eduction: A Virtual Vanishing Act. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, 1(3), 25-39.

Välimaa, J., Ursin, J., Lasonen, J., Aittola, H., Hoffman, D., Kärkkäinen, K., Muhonen, R., Piesanen, E., & Volanen, M. V. (2011). Koulutuksen ja yhteiskunnan välistä suhdetta kartoittamassa. In J. Lasonen, & J. Ursin (Eds.), Koulutus yhteiskunnan muutoksissa: jatkuvuuksia ja katkoksia (pp. 9-21). Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura ry. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia, 53.

Hoffman, D. Die Mobilität von Talenten und der Wandel beim Universitätspersonal: Verändern sich europäische Universitäten schnell genug? (The mobility of talent and changing university personnel patterns: Are European universities changing quickly enough?). Mondial. SIETAR Journal für interculturelle Perspektivinen (Society For Intercultural Training Education And Research. Journal of Intercultural Perspectives), (1).

Hoffman, D., Raunio, M., & Korhonen, M. (2010). Academic Mobility Patterns and the Competitiveness of Basic Units: The World Class, National Champions and Local Heroes of Finnish Universities. Kever-Osaaja, (3). Open Access

Raunio, M., Korhonen, M., & Hoffman, D. (2010). Kannattaako kansainvälistyä? Suomen yliopistot kansainvälisinä akateemisina ympäristöinä. Loppuraportti. Tieteen- teknologian- ja innovaatiotutkimuksen yksikkö, Yhteiskuntatutkimuksen instituutti, Tampereen yliopisto. Työraportteja 7.

Hoffman, D. (2009). Changing Academic Mobility Patterns and International Migration: What Will Academic Mobility Mean in the 21st Century?. In Journal of Studies in International Education (13, pp. 347-364). Sage. Journal of Studies in International Education.

Hoffman, D. (2009). Multiple methods, communicative preferences and the incremental inteview approach protocol. Forum Qualitative Social Research, Sozialforschung, 10(1).

Otten, M., Allwood, J., Aneas, M. A., Busch, D., & Hoffman, D. (Eds.). (2009). Qualitative Research on Intercultural Communication.

Otten, M., Allwood, J., Aneas, M. A., Busch, D., Hoffman, D., & Schweisfurth, M. (2009). Editorial: Research and Intercultural Communication. In Forum: Qualitative Social Research (10, Forum Qualitative Social Research. Forum Qualitative Social Research.

Hoffman, D. (2008). Assumptions about Academic Mobility, Educational Equality and ‘Our’ Finnish Higher Education System. In M. Byram, & F. Dervin (Eds.), Students, Staff and Academic Mobility in Higher Education (pp. 277-291). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hoffman, D., Välimaa, J., & Huusko, M. (2008). The Bologna Process in Academic Basic Units: Finnish Universities and Competitive Horizons. In J. Välimaa, & O.-H. Ylijoki (Eds.), Cultural Perspectives on Higher Education (pp. 227-243). Springer.

Välimaa, J., & Hoffman, D. (2008). Knowledge society discourse and higher education. Higher education, 56(3), 265-285.

Hoffman, D. (2007). The Career Potential of Migrant Scholars in Finnish Higher Education: Emerging Perspectives and Dynamics. University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 318.

Välimaa, J., & Hoffman, D. (2007). Higher Education and Knowledge Society Discourse. In Higher Education Looking Forward: Relations between Higher Education and Society (pp. 7-23). European Science Foundation.

Välimaa, J., & Hoffman, D. (2007). The Future of Finnish higher education challenged by competitive horizons. In S. Marginson (Ed.), Prospects of Higher Educations –Globalization, Market Competition, Public Goods and the Future of Universities (pp. 185-200). Sense Publishers.

Hoffman, D. (2006). Koulutuksen tasa-arvo ja ”meidän” korkeakoulutus?. In J. Välimaa, & U. Jani (Eds.), Korkeakoulutus teoriassa - näkökulmia ja keskustelua (pp. 155-184). Koulutuksen Tutkimuslaitos.

Hoffman, D., Bernhard, A., Cai, Y., & Loima, J. (2006). Higher Education Planning, Budgeting and Finance Meet the Sociological Imagination: A Study on National Steering and Financing Mechanisms. In T. Ojanperä (Ed.), Näkökulmia aktiiviseen kasnsalaisuuteen (Hakapaino., pp. 94-114). Viikiin normaalikoulun julkaisuja 2. Viikiin normaalikoulun julkaisuja, 2.

Välimaa, J., & Hoffman, D. (2006). The Bologna Process and guidance in Finnish higher education. In R. Vuorinen, & S. Saukkonen (Eds.), Guidance Services in Higher Education (2006., pp. 51-65). Institute for Educational Research.

Välimaa, J., Hoffman, D., & Huusko, M. (2006). The Bologna Process in Finland: Perspectives from the Basic Units.. In V. Tomusk (Ed.), Creating the European Area of Higher Education. Voices from the Periphery (pp. 43-68). Springer. Higher Education Dynamics, 12.

Hoffman, D. (2005). The Mobility of Scientists and 'Best Practices'or: "The Wrong Answers to the Wrong Questions?". In Career Paths and Mobility of Researchers in Europe (pp. 86-97). Culliver Verlag.

Hoffman, D. (2004). 300 Meters. In Koettu Kampus (pp. 53-80).

Hoffman, D. (2003). Internationalisation at Home from the Inside: Non-Native University Faculty and Transformation. Journal of Studies in International Education, 7(1), 77-93.

Hoffman, D., & Cools, C. (1999). Cultural Differences in the Finnish Classroom: An Orientation Workshop for Teachers. In Multicultural Training (pp. 198-212). Finnish National Board of Education.