2014 https://ktl.jyu.fi/vanhat/julkaisut/julkaisuluettelo/julkaisut/2014 https://ktl.jyu.fi/@@site-logo/logo.png 2014 T029.jpg Toward Connectivity: Internships of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences t029.pdf Pilvilinnoja ja palomuureja – tulevaisuuden oppimisen ja työnteon tilat D109.jpg D109.pdf F031.pdf Challenges of Intercultural Vocational Education and Training: Developing a Strand Model in the Change Laboratory F031.jpg Avaimet osaamiseen ja tulevaisuuteen d110.jpg D110.pdf t030.jpg The relationship between ICT use and reading literacy t030.pdf t031.pdf t031.jpg Serious Game Design: Supporting Collaborative Learning and Investigating Learners’ Experiences d111.jpg PISA 2012: Resultatnivån i de svenskspråkiga skolorna i Finland 1 2 Seuraavat 10 »
Challenges of Intercultural Vocational Education and Training: Developing a Strand Model in the Change Laboratory