Educational Issues for Sustainable Development in Africa

Kolawole T. Raheem, Pekka Kupari & Johanna Lasonen (toim.)

2006. 87 s. 18 euroa. Tilausnro F024.


AS A MEMBER STATE OF UNESCO, Finland has adopted the policy goals and strategies of sustainable development that includes ecological, economic, social and cultural aspects. The Finnish Ministry of Education emphasizes the promotion of sustainable development in its policy guidelines "Education and Research 2003–2008: Development Plan". This publication focuses on a cultural aspect of sustainable development, especially on education. The articles of the volume have been written as a part of the project titled "Measuring Indicators of Sustainable Development in School Curricula: A Study of Ethiopia, Ghana and Nigeria" that is funded by Academy of Finland. The African and Finnish scholars discuss the educational and cultural aspects of sustainable development in the publication.

Työpapereita 24
ISBN 951-39-2491-2 (Nid.)
ISBN 951-39-2492-0 (Pdf)
ISSN 1239-4742