Julkistamiswebinaari: Improving a Country's Education - PISA 2018 results in 10 countries

Springerin kustantaman "Improving a Country's Education" -teoksen toimittaja on Nuno Crato Portugalista. PISAn kansallinen projektipäällikkö Arto K. Ahonen on yksi kirjan kirjoittajista.
  • Aika 03.12.2020 klo 18.0019.15 (Europe/Helsinki / UTC200)
  • Paikka Online
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"This Springer open-access book is one of the first to be published, or even the first, discussing the results of PISA 2018. It analyses how ten different countries have evolved and what makes countries change. The countries discussed in this volume represent a wide variety of educational systems, from Australia and Taiwan, in the East, to England, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Portugal, and Spain, in Europe, and to Chile and the United States, in the Americas."

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