Pöysä-Tarhonen Johanna, senior researcher, docent

PhD, Docent (Learning environments research)
Pöysä-Tarhonen Johanna, senior researcher, docent
RUU A326

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6614-0098
Converis: https://converis.jyu.fi/converis/portal/Person/4635774

Dr Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen is a senior researcher at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER), University of Jyväskylä and a Docent of Learning Environments Research at the Philosophical Faculty, University of Eastern Finland. She has profound interest in the theoretical foundations of learning as a social phenomenon and the use of technologies for learning, including educational design. Her research interests also include the design of future learning environments as hybrid, collaborative learning spaces and their scalability into varied levels of education. Much of her work is process-orientated, utilising multi-modal data and advanced methods, such as eye-tracking. Recently, she has carried out research on the anatomy and dynamics of productive collaborative problem solving (CPS) through studying joint attention behaviour and the role of coordination and commitment in collaboration in remote interaction context. 

She also supervises doctoral students in the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, JYU (https://www.jyu.fi/edupsy/fi/tohtorikoulu).

Learning, teaching and learning environments research area

Learning and Technology research team

Recent projects involved:

E-Adapt A European theory-practice collaboration for adaptive teaching (2021-2024)

Collaborative problem solving and online inquiry: Skills, processes and neural basis (CoPSOI), 2018-(2022) Consortium PI: Prof. Dr. Paavo Leppänen, Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Subproject of FIER PI: Prof. dr. Päivi Häkkinen, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, JYU 

Preparing teacher students for 21st century learning practices: Ways of thinking and working (PREP21), Academy of Finland, 2014-2017 (Blog)

Areas of expertise

  • (Computer-supported) collaborative learning (CSCL)
  • Technology-enhanced learning environments
  • Collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills and processes, collaboration dispositions
  • Joint attention behaviour 
  • Process-tracing methods, multi-modal data