
Finnish Institute for Educational Research

We conduct educational research of national and international significance.

Introduction to Finnish Institute for Educational Research

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER) conducts significant educational research that promotes equality, justice, sustainability and education. It is an internationally respected research institute known for its high-quality and socially significant research.

FIER’s research benefits teachers, students, educational institutions and the education system. The department actively participates in scientific and societal debate. FIER's research areas focus especially on learning, guidance, development of education, development of working life and lifelong learning.

As an independent institute of the University of Jyväskylä, FIER conducts high-quality, independent and methodologically strong research and participates in the national and international development of education, teaching, lifelong guidance and learning. The Finnish Institute for Educational Research has the national task of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the field of educational research.

We aim to support teachers, educational establishments and decision-makers in the promotion of learning and development of education.

Current issues at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research

Research at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research

The FIER is specialised in large-scale international comparative studies, the best known of which is PISA. By the same token, the Institute also carries out national and regional studies to promote learning and the functioning of individual schools.

Finnish stakeholders especially appreciate the FIER’s high academic and scientific standard, reliability, independence, topical relevance, and expertise. FIER research activities involve broad-based networking with the national and international academic community.

Research at the FIER has been organised into four main areas:  


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